United Nations Global Compact

As part of our corporate commitment to sustainability, Tetra Tech joined the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which supports UN efforts to end extreme poverty, fight inequality, and address climate change.
The UN Global Compact is a call to action for companies to align their business strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Tetra Tech joined the UN Global Compact in February 2018 and is committed to making its principles part of corporate strategy, culture, and daily operations and engaging in collaborative projects to advance sustainable development goals.
We are now part of a global movement with more than 9,500 companies and 3,000 organizations, across 160 countries, that seeks to support sustainability through responsible operations, concrete actions, and meaningful dialogue.
“Tetra Tech is pleased to be part of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative,” said Dan Batrack, CEO. “We are committed to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture, and daily operations of our company, while engaging in collaborative projects that will advance the broader development goals of the United Nations.”
Our commitment to sustainable and ethical operations is reinforced by our Human Rights Policy and other Environment, Social, and Governance Policies.
As part of the UN Global Compact, Tetra Tech committed to uphold the following values and principles:
Human Rights
- Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
- Ensure that practices are not complicit in human rights abuses
- Uphold the freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
- Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor
- Abolish child labor
- Eliminate discrimination in the workplace
- Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
- Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
- Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
- Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
Tetra Tech will continue to publicly demonstrate our sustainability commitments and progress to our employees, investors, partners, and stakeholders. Together, we can move forward toward a responsible, sustainable future.