
Tetra Tech has led the industry for more than 50 years in stormwater management and helped pioneer the use of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) in the 1990s. Our multidisciplinary teams provide cutting-edge stormwater management approaches to support clients in meeting evolving regulatory, environmental, resilience, and community improvement goals.
Creating, adapting, and maintaining a successful stormwater management program requires a breadth and depth of knowledge not commonly found in a single consulting firm. Tetra Tech is well-known for providing in-house, diverse services to solve our clients’ stormwater needs. Our long history of supporting large, on-call stormwater contracts for major municipalities has enabled our staff to sustain effective programs.

Integrated Stormwater Planning and Management
Tetra Tech prepares stormwater management plans that provide direction with flexibility, meeting the latest requirements with approaches that provide long-term benefits to communities. Using our Tetra Tech Delta technologies, we have developed innovative modeling and decision-support tools to manage stormwater quantity and quality strategically and effectively.
- Planning and capital improvement plan optimization
- Total maximum daily load (TMDL) implementation plans
- Hydrologic and hydraulic (H/H) and water quality modeling
- Flood reduction

Regulatory Compliance and Institutional Coordination
Tetra Tech supports our clients with municipal, industrial, and construction site stormwater regulatory programs, including permit compliance and planning to accomplish long-term goals.
- Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) programs
- Illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) plans and implementation
- Soil erosion and sedimentation control (SESC)
- Stormwater pollution prevention initiatives and prevention plans
- Stormwater utility, code, and ordinance development

Implementation and Asset Management
Tetra Tech designs solutions focused on performance, ease of maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics. To achieve our clients’ objectives, we employ a mix of traditional and innovative approaches, including water harvesting and reuse, stream stabilization, urban drainage control, real-time control technology, and integration with community enhancement projects, including parks and streetscapes.
- Design of green, gray, and blue solutions
- Funding and grant management
- Asset management programs
- Public and stakeholder outreach
Connect with us. Reach out to our One Water solutions experts.